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centos php7

centos php7


CentOS is a popular Linux distribution that is widely used by many organizations. One of the most important components of any web server is the programming language that it supports, and for many years, CentOS has provided support for the popular scripting language, PHP. Recently, an upgrade to PHP 7 has been released, providing significant performance improvements and new features. In this article, we will examine the benefits of using PHP 7 on CentOS servers and how to install it.

Benefits of PHP 7 on CentOS

PHP 7 is the latest version of the popular server-side scripting language. With it comes a range of benefits, including improved performance, enhanced security, and new features. One of the most noteworthy improvements is the significant speed boost that PHP 7 provides over its predecessor, PHP 5.x. Benchmarks have shown that PHP 7 can improve response times for web applications by up to 100% or more, making it an ideal choice for high-traffic sites.

Installing PHP 7 on CentOS

Installing PHP 7 on CentOS is a straightforward process. The first step is to add the repository for PHP 7 to the system. This can be done using the following command:

sudo rpm -Uvh https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm

Next, install the Remi repository, which provides the latest version of PHP:

sudo rpm -Uvh http://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm

Finally, you can install PHP 7 by running the following command:

sudo yum install php

Migrating to PHP 7

If you are currently running an older version of PHP on your CentOS server, you will need to migrate your code to PHP 7. This is because the new version of PHP has some changes that may break backward compatibility with older code. The best way to approach this migration is to start by testing your code on a development server that has PHP 7 installed. This will allow you to identify any issues that need to be addressed before moving your application to production.


PHP 7 is a significant upgrade that provides many benefits for CentOS web servers. The improved performance and new features make it a compelling choice for organizations that are looking to upgrade their web applications. The installation process is straightforward, and migrating to PHP 7 can be done with care and attention to detail. Overall, PHP 7 is an excellent choice for organizations that want to stay current with the latest web development technologies.