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golang centos

golang centos

What is Golang?

Golang, also known as Go, is a programming language that was created by Google in 2007. It is an open-source language with a simple syntax, designed to make programming more efficient and structured. Golang is highly scalable and reliable, making it the go-to language for building web servers, network tools, command-line utilities, and other high-performance applications.

Why Use Golang?

There are several reasons why Golang is becoming increasingly popular among developers. Firstly, its simplicity and ease of use make it easier for developers to write clean and concise codes. Secondly, Golang is highly scalable, and its compilation speed is much faster than other languages like Java, C++, or Python. Additionally, Golang has inbuilt concurrency support that allows you to write parallel programs without the need for external libraries.

Setting up Golang on CentOS

You might be wondering how to set up Golang on CentOS, which is a popular Linux distribution. Here is a simple guide to help you get started:

1. Download the latest Golang version from the official website.

2. Unpack the archive file into the /usr/local directory.

3. Set up the environment variables by editing the /etc/profile file.

4. Reload the profile by running the command 'source /etc/profile'.

5. Verify the installation by running the command 'go version'.

Using Golang for Web Development

Golang is becoming increasingly popular for web development due to its simplicity, scalability, and concurrency support. Some popular web frameworks for Golang include Gin, Echo, and Beego.

Gin is a lightweight web framework that provides efficient routing and HTTP requests handling. Echo is another fast and minimalist web framework with a focus on performance and flexibility. Beego, on the other hand, is a full-stack web framework with built-in ORM, routers, and websockets support.

Golang Libraries and Tools for CentOS

There are several Golang libraries and tools that can be useful for developers using CentOS as their primary operating system. Some popular libraries include:

1. Gorilla Web Toolkit: A set of packages for web development, including session handling, websocket support, and more.

2. Gorm: A lightweight ORM library for database management in Golang projects.

3. Cobra: A popular CLI library for building command-line interfaces in Golang.

Some popular tools worth mentioning include:

1. GoLand: An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) developed by JetBrains specifically for Golang development.

2. GoReleaser: A tool for building and releasing binaries, primarily targeting Go projects.

3. Golangci-lint: A linter tool for Golang codes, aimed at improving code quality and preventing bugs.


Golang is an increasingly popular language for building high-performance applications, including web development. It is simple, scalable, and fast, making it an excellent choice for developers who want to reduce development time and improve project efficiency. If you are using CentOS as your primary operating system, setting up Golang and using its libraries and tools can help you improve development speed and code quality.